Frequently Asked Questions

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When will this be released?

The release of the game in Early Access before the end of 2024 depend on the quality we have to go publicly with, as of April 2024 this is still on target.

How to describe our gameplay?

Our game could be looked at as a mixture of both Squad and Hell let Loose in terms of scale, team and roles step ups, communication and teamwork. The only similarity to Rising Storm 2 Vietnam is the fact it’s set in the Vietnam War era. With that said we are attempting to do our own thing and not a copy paste of what’s been done before in just a different theatre.

Does Burning Lands use OWI Core (the framework that Squad, Post Scriptum and Beyond the Wire are built on?

No, we are doing our own thing which means new audio, new VFX, none of that copy and paste stuff across multiple titles. Completely our own back end from the ground up.

What features will there be?

It will include several notable features such as dismemberment mechanics, the ability to pilot boats and helicopters, sling loading and capturing some enemy assets, swimming capabilities, as well as support for joystick and TrackIR input devices.

What vehicles will there be?

Some of the vehicles that players can expect to encounter include the Huey, Chinook, Cobra, ZIS-150, M48 Tank, PT-76, M113, GAZ, BTR-152, Sampan, M151, M35, PBR, Type59, and a variety of others.

Are there going to be flyable planes?

No but they will be a commander call-in ability.

What weapons will there be?

Among the weapons featured in the game are the M16, M230, M14, M21, 1911, AK47, Type56, AKM, SVD, RPD, Mosin, M60, Claymore, C4, Model77, M79, M72, TT33, RPG2, SKS, FlameThrower, and many others.

Is there gonna be modding support?

It is unlikely that we will entertain expansion efforts until we have achieved the 1.0 milestone. Our priority is to concentrate on perfecting the core game experience. Once this objective is met, we aim to provide a platform for creative individuals to develop and deploy their ideas, utilizing our project as a foundation

How will this compare to Rising Storm 2?

The primary similarities between the two games are fairly basic, such as their shared setting in Vietnam, the utilization of similar weapons, some overlapping named locations, and the fact that they are both first-person shooter games. One of the more notable areas of similarity is our flight mechanics system.

What kinda flight model are you planning to make Arcade/semi realistic/simulation?

Semi-realistic, similar to RS2 to start with but eventually plan to keep expanding it to lite-sim quality. You could say “Physics based”

How large are the maps? and what are they?

There will be maps featuring 4km² and 16km²

Players will have the opportunity to explore several notable locations including Khe Sanh, Dai Loc, Hue City, Ia Drang, Plain of Reeds, and OP Masher. Furthermore, the inclusion of additional factions will bring with it a host of new maps for players to experience.

Player count?

Our minimum goal is to accommodate 80 players, with our ideal target being 100. However, if feasible, we would like to expand this limit to 120 to accommodate players in vehicles

Planned factions?

The initial release will feature the US Army and PAVN factions. As development progresses, we hope to introduce additional factions such as the Australian forces and the NLF, and if feasible, the US Marines.

Will there be destructible environments?

We are considering implementing a feature that would allow tanks and other heavy vehicles to drive through small fences and trees for added realism and improved gameplay experience.

Will it be released on consoles?

The release of the game on consoles will depend on a variety of factors, including funding and public reception. At present, our primary focus is on achieving V1.0 on PC, and we cannot allocate resources to other platforms without sufficient funding. If the project is well-received and funding permits, we will expanding to console platforms in the future.